I'm often asked for recommendations on newsletter. While my current subscriptions count approx 30+ , these some of the newsletters i recommend. Includes both free & paid subscriptions. I use two different apps (Matter & Instapaper) to read the newsletter content. Gmail is too boring as a reading app.
This is an evolving list and i usually update it in every three month.
If you're into sports, just any sports and are fascinated with the business side of it. This is newsletter covers it all.
This is a bit sciency. I've a new found fascination for the subject of biology and particularly genetics & genomics. And the author does a good job of covering the latest for the layman. I'm that layman.
Sahil Bloom does a good job of breaking down mental models of high performance individuals. And as the title says, keeping the curiosity alive.
Guzey is the hunter of the best twitter threads of the week.
Alex is an interesting guy. Someone i would have taken along for a lunch with Richard Feyman. He writes about everything you should be curious about.
Another cool newsletter covering the money behind sports.
If you're into growth, products and obviously startups. Missing this in your inbox is a big mistake.
Everything technology & high growth companies.
World politics, economics, culture & people.
Just everything around cool & not boring stuff happening in tech and startup world. Seriously, it's not boring.
Maybe the only writer on running and things around it that hits my inbox. And Peter is dayum good with words that can pace you so we
If you are a creator and interested in what's happening in that space. These guys just get the rights things you should know to your inbox.
Polina does a brilliant job of making a profile of people you should know. Deep writing with stuff you might not have known about the person.
Eugene Wei writes amazing long essays culture, companies and consumer psychology.
Stuff Venkatesh writes will make you interesting and intelligent that your friends will envy you. If not already.
How smart people organize what they know. This is straight from their bio.
Everything cool you want to know about business strategies.
Another interesting dose of everything business by numbers.
Mario does an awesome job of condensing all things tech + crypto + business + strategies.
Just a super interesting guy. Atleast i think so.
Dr. Peter Attia breaks down science for layman including nutrition, physical performance &longevity. Often giving toolkits are practical and can be applied to self.